FERTIL joins « The French Fab ! »
Wednesday 7 July 2021 - 15:15
FERTIL is a company that is strongly committed to its roots in the Vosges mountain range in eastern France. For more than 60 years, it has striven to manufacture its products responsibly with local, regional and national partners. Its products are “made in France” and exported around the world. FERTIL is the leader in the French market and more than 40 countries market FERTIL products.
It’s therefore quite natural that FERTIL joined the French Fab, a French label that want to federate industrials and promote the French excellence globally.
A French know-how

In the 1960s, Fertil developed the first 100% natural biodegradable pot, entirely made of wood fibers: the FERTILPOT. The production is still done in France on its historic site which is located in the heart of the Vosges mountains.
Over the years Fertil has continued to develop new products, increasing its offering globally, while always maintaining a commitment to the environment.
Today hundreds of millions of young plants are cultivated with our products around the world.
So Fertil is delighted and proud to share the values of this movement in its desire to develop and transform the French industry.
What are the ambitions of the French Fab ?
French Fab’s is made to support French industries in promoting French expertise abroad.
The aim of this movement is to unite companies of all sizes around the common values of the industry of the future: innovation, growth, digital and development.
Belonging to the French Fab means quality assurance for customers of French industries wanting to support products that are made in France.
So Fertil can proudly fly the colours of French Industry !!!
To know more about La French Fab : https://lafrench-fab.com/
An idea, a project ?

So that we can study the feasibility of your personalized project together, send a request to the following address: projet@syzswea.cluster100.hosting.ovh.net . Don’t forget to specify the quantities you want to order, the desired delivery time, the desired packaging, shape of the pot etc.
Our team will contact you to give the most suitable solution.
For more information on our products, please contact our Regional Sales Representatives.