Launching our online store
Tuesday 16 March 2021 - 15:30
In this beginning of 2021, the brand new online store of FERTIL for professionals was released.
It is now possible for horticulture, nursery and market gardening professionals to buy online our FERTILPOT, FERTISS, fertilizers and other water management products.
It’s another way of our existing sales channels in France and it contributes to boost the visibility of our products and brands.
Our entire range, accessible in one click
Our products are distributed in France through our network of distributors. Offering wide ranges of products and providing personalized follow-up, it remains a preferred way for ordering FERTIL products. Some areas in France are not covered by our partners, so it is now possible to order our products, online, via our professional e-shop: boutique.fertil.fr.
An online store for professionals

Come and discover our product ranges, whether you are an independent garden center looking for quality horticultural products to offer to your customers, a producer with a point of sale, a project leader or an association committed to the promotion of a healthy production method that respects our environment.
This website is intended for only professional users. It is reserved for shipments to mainland France.
An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) section and our technical sheets will help you to find the answers to your questions about the use of our products.
An idea, a project ?
So that we can study the feasibility of your personalized project together, send a request to the following address: projet@syzswea.cluster100.hosting.ovh.net . Don’t forget to specify the quantities you want to order, the desired delivery time, the desired packaging, shape of the pot etc.
Our team will contact you to give the most suitable solution.
For more information on our products, please contact our Regional Sales Representatives.